Welcome Parents,

The Order of the Arrow is the National Honor Society of the Boy Scouts of America. If your son was just elected, or if he already has completed his Induction, I congratulate you as a parent. The Order of the Arrow (known as the OA) is based on the Brotherhood of Cheerful Service. Our Lodge was founded in 1956 and has been a part of the Great Salt Lake Council ever since.

If your son was just elected, he is not an official member until he completes an "Induction" which is an overnight campout where he will sleep out under the stars and perform unselfish service the next day with meager food and without talking to others. This tradition is based on the Delaware Indians, where they would send the young braves out by themselves to serve nature and live off the land, until they could return back to the tribe and be recognized as one who has grown closer to nature and is ready to become a member of the brotherhood within the tribe leaders. Please check the Lodge calendar and register your son for the Induction of your choice in the Registration area of this website. All BSA safety guidelines are followed during the Induction, and there is no hazing or forbidden activities taking place during the Induction overnight experience.

  After completing the Induction experience and being an Ordeal member for 10 months or more and completing a few very easy requirements, we would like to see them register for a Brotherhood Ceremony of their choice and seal their membership in the OA by attending one of these Brotherhood Ceremonies. We hold several activities and service opportunities throughout the year and we encourage OA members to become active in their chapters, which usually meet each month as part of their District Roundtables.  At these Chapter meetings, they will associate with other youth OA members from your District, and make new friends who love Scouting and the OA as much as I know your son will if he becomes involved in the OA.

If you are an adult who was a member of the OA as a youth you can renew your membership in The El-Ku-Ta Lodge by simply paying your annual membership dues, which you can do online thru this website.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your son joining or participating in the Order of the Arrow and its programs.

Blair Hope
El-Ku-Ta Lodge Adviser

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