NYLT Coup Trail Leadership Training Course

**Official NYLT course, 2020**

June 22-27  Camp Tracy, Millcreek Canyon

Image result for nylt logo

Knowledge, Service Honor


2020 Coup Trail Course Chief: Jackson Elder

If you have any questions, you contact NYLT Coup Trail nyltcouptrail@elkutalodge.com

Register HERE

Please email us at NYLTCouptrail@elkutalodge.com

We accept, venmo, paypal, cash, check and Credit Card


Scouts and Parents,


We officially welcome you to the 2020 National Youth Leadership Course (Coup Trail) for the Great Salt Lake Council (now called, Crossroads of the West Council)

Please confirm back to us that you received this information and got this email so we know ASAP that you've gotten the messages we have for you.  

We wanted to write you and express how excited we are to be hosting this year’s NYLT course. We are almost to capacity already which is absolutely amazing. Please invite other scouts in your troops and encourage them to participate as well if they can. Online registration is still the same as it was, it has not changed. If you need any more information or help please reach out to our NYLT Director, David Augason whose contact information is listed at the bottom of this email.

Covid-19 Questions: 

We wanted to write and let you know that with the current COVID-19 status that we are presented with that National BSA and the state health department are in constant contact with what regulations we need to follow in order to hold the course. Cleaning 3x a day, food handling procedures and restrictions, taking of temperatures, hand sanitizer, masks, social distancing, revision to leadership games, distancing at training sessions, re-arrangement of sleeping arrangements, restroom availability, shower times and schedule, etc. are all being adjusted and procedures and requirements are being placed and planned on being met.


With the above mentioned healthcare situations, we want to encourage you all to reach out to your healthcare professionals about a scout physical and when will be best to make an appt to get that information. I have heard some doing a physical on the phone app, but please check with your providers. Physical form ABC are all required by BSA in order to attend NYLT. Its downloadable online and some healthcare offices have copies of the form as well. Please follow the attached files guidelines and alternative methods to obtaining a health physical.

Again a physical ABC form is REQUIRED for your scout to attend NYLT.

Packing Lists: 

Attached is a revised packing list that includes some items to help protect your scouts for social distancing guidelines and basic necessities.  

Date and Time: 

Drop off Reminder that course is June 22-27 and will be at Camp Tracy up Millcreek Canyon. Check in will start at 930 am and go to 11 am and will be at the parking lot just past the main gate. We will have staff directing and signs telling you where to drop off your scouts.

Pickup will be Saturday at 145 pm. Following social distancing procedures we will have the scouts ready to be picked up at the same location they were dropped off, the upper parking lot.

Participation fees: 

If you haven’t paid in full, full payment will be due 10 days before course begins. Please take care of payments BEFORE you come to camp. If you have any issues or need help, please write to David Augason or contact councils program desk.


Please reach out to us if you have any questions about course.

Yours in Scouting,

David Augason, NYLT Coup Trail Course Advisor 2020, david@augason.com 801-792-6916

Jackson Elder, NYLT Coup Trail Chief (SPL)

Physical form link: https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/HealthSafety/pdf/680-001_ABC.pdf

Coup Trail information: http://elkutalodge.com/couptrail

Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NYLTCoupTrail


What is NYLT Coup Trail?

NYLT Coup Trail is a premier leadership training course for Order of the Arrow members of the El-ku-ta Lodge in the Great Salt Lake Council. Coup Trail has officially become an NYLT course which satisfies advanced national NYLT training courses. This training course teaches essential skills that help young men develop leadership skills to use in the Order of the Arrow, their local Troop or Team, school, and everyday life. The skills taught at Coup Trail have a profound and lifelong impact. NYLT Coup Trail is the only leadership training course of the Great Salt Lake Council that is exclusively for members of Scouting's National Honor Society, the Order of the Arrow.



Coup Trail first began in 1987 and has since been a traditional leadership training course of El-ku-ta Lodge. There was no course held in 2009, '10 or '11, but Coup Trail was reborn in 2012 and in 2018 has become recognized as an official NYLT Course.


Why should I attend NYLT Coup Trail?

The NYLT Coup Trail Leadership Training Course is driven by the concept of leadership through service. Lessons are developed and taught with a focus on honor and service. NYLT Coup Trail is a fast paced learning environment. Throughout the week, participants work in clans (or patrols) and have experiences to act as a leader and make decisions for the group. NYLT Coup Trail has gone through several major improvements since it has began 27 years ago. All of the improvements have been made to help better make the young men of the Great Salt Lake Council into incredible leaders. NYLT Coup Trail has been called by many as "the best youth leadership training course in the nation." Participating in NYLT Coup Trail provides amazing opportunities for youth to lead in ways that they had not discovered before.


What type of activities will I do at NYLT Coup Trail?

NYLT Coup Trail focuses primarily on teaching leadership skills through well-developed lessons taught in small groups called clans (or patrols). During the week participants contribute service to camp by completing a camp improvement service project. During the week there is also a Native American pow-wow in which participants learn about Native American traditions and pow-wow ettiquette. Ceremonies are a way that the Order of the Arrow teaches principles and recognizes Scouts and Scouters on their achievements. There are a few special ceremonies that were written for and are performed only at Coup Trail. Campfires are an important part of any great scouting adventure. NYLT Coup Trail has multiple campfires throughout the week.

Follow El-Ku-Ta

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We always have lots of real cool things on them.

Also please feel free to post your photos of our Lodge events on those pages.